We all need access to the Coach that changed our life.

  • I lead with authenticity, compassion, and the understanding that everyone has greatness within—they just need help to unlock it.

  • "Your guidance and wisdom has helped me realize the bigger picture in life. I was a seed planted but when you came into my life, I was watered and received the nutrients I needed."


  • "It is leaders like Coach J who make an immeasurable difference in the lives of young people, and we feel incredibly fortunate that our daughter has the privilege of being mentored by her."


  • “Your impact on my daughters during such a formative time has been invaluable. You’ve given them courage, tools, and an inspiring example of grace and strength.”


  • "Coach J has been a guiding light for me since the day I first met her. She’s been alongside me as I’ve gone throughout life and has taken every opportunity to encourage me, be real with me and give me the best tools to succeed in life."



Consistent wisdom from the Coach that changed your life.